Baptism and Mission Statement

Baptism in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A) isn’t just about the individual; it is also about community. When an infant or child is baptized, in addition to the promises made by the parents, the TPC community also makes promises to guide and nurture that child. Our children’s education program arises from these promises we make. Sarah Beck, Director of Family Ministries, shares her mission statement for children and youth at TPC: I practice an open door, holistic approach to family ministry, which means we learn as we go in conversation with God and each other—building community in sustained relationship over time, embodying hospitality, kindness, and compassion as we all develop our moral compasses rooted in a Christ-like life. TPC commits to providing a safe space for children and youth—where they can ask any questions they want, where children and youth participate in worship, and where they all engage in community building.


Nursery and Preschool (Ages 0 -5)

The foundation of the entire TPC Family Ministries Program is the nursery/preschool. Every Sunday morning, our nursery attendants provide a safe space for creative play. When parents sign in their child, they receive a pager so that staff can easily contact parents. The last Sunday of every month, 5-year-olds have the option of participating in a community service project with the older kids in the main area.

Primary School (Grades K through 5)

Most Sunday mornings, primary school students enter worship with their parents and stay through the children’s message, after which they head downstairs to the main children’s area. (On Communion Sundays, usually the first Sunday of the month, children start downstairs and come up to the sanctuary for Communion.) Primary students engage in an innovative mix of Bible stories and art projects. The last Sunday of every month, the kids participate in a community service project, such as Birthday Bags for the local food pantry or Easter Baskets for homeless shelters. On community service Sundays, the kids also serve the after-church coffee and cookies in the Narthex.

Middle School (Grades 6 through 8)

Middle School students also enter worship first and go downstairs to the library after the children’s message. Guided by adult leaders, middle schoolers enjoy a creative mix of video and discussion—geared to making the Bible relevant to their changing lives. Middle school students also participate in the weekly art activities in the main area and the last-Sunday-of-the-month community service project.

High School / College (Grades 9 through college)

High school and college students participate fully in worship through the end of the sermon and then head downstairs for discussion of the sermon and scriptural texts, facilitated by adult church members.

Worship Participation

TPC Family Ministries encourages all ages of children and youth—from kindergarten through college—to participate in worship by serving as Liturgists. The TPC Family Ministry Program also presents the annual Christmas Play in the winter and Family Ministries Sunday in the spring.

Confirmation Class

TPC youth participate in a series of Confirmation Classes, generally during their Middle School years. They learn about the history of the church, the particularities of our Presbyterian tradition, as well as their important place in that tradition. At the end of these sessions, each student writes an authentic personal statement of faith.

Family Ministry Activities

Summer is a great time to hop on the TPC van and head out into the community. Combination summer and art camps provide opportunities for primary and middle school students to have inside and outside fun during the summer—a great opportunity for community building! Throughout the school year primary and middle school students engage in special youth group activities. High school and college students get together for outings as schedules permit. TPC high schoolers may attend Presbyterian Youth Triennium, along with other Presbytery of the Cascades Youth.

Volunteerism and Safe Church

We are proud to follow a very strict Safe Church policy to protect our children, youth, and vulnerable populations from all forms of abuse and maltreatment. All volunteers and staff who work with children or youth are screened and trained according to the Safe Church policies. Volunteers must complete the background check and video training through our partner Protect My Ministry, and all volunteers must then read and sign our institutional policy packet, all of which can be obtained through Sarah Beck, Director of Family Ministries.