Fellowship Opportunities
The Biblical word for fellowship is koinonia, and it points to the laughter and friendship the disciples shared around the table when they broke bread with one another. TPC is a place for laughter and friendship and table fellowship.

After Worship Coffee
After worship each Sunday morning all are invited to stay for coffee, tea or juice and cookies in the narthex. This is a long-standing tradition at TPC that gives everyone a chance to greet one another, make new friends and catch up on what’s happening in our lives.
Volunteers are needed to serve the coffee and cookies. Simply click on this link: Coffee Signup . Once on the site, follow the instructions to sign up for a Sunday of your choosing.
Directions posted to the left of the kitchen sinks describe what tasks need to be done on Sunday morning, or click here for a summary of those tasks. Thanks, in advance, to all who sign up, and Thanks to all who periodically supply cookies to keep a good supply in our freezer!
Dinner Fellowship Groups
John Bell, a Presbyterian leader from Scotland, once described flying in to California to consult with the church. The first night he was there he met with the Session, the governing body of the church. He was sitting next to a man and figured out pretty quickly that because he had missed months and months of meetings no one there really knew the guy. Well after talking to him it turns out the man had missed all those meetings because he was a weapons inspector for the United Nations and had been in Iraq right before the second Gulf War. This man had one of the most interesting stories at the table, but no one there had a clue. John Bell believes this happens all the time in our congregations— we sit next to some of the most fascinating people in the world, but we often know their name and little else about them. All too often we aren’t, as he puts it in his Scottish brogue, “a joined up body.” Our dinner fellowship groups are the way we’re becoming a more joined up body. The purpose of the Fellowship Dinners program is to have fun and to encourage and expand fellowship among members of our church family. Groups of 7 to 9 adults share Fellowship Dinners once a month for four months, and then the groups are re-shuffled to form another set of Fellowship Dinner groups.

Men’s Fellowship
Men’s Fellowship is the perfect example of TPC’s motto: “Just do it.” (Ok, that’s Nike, but it works here, too.) Several years ago a new member asked the pastor whether there was a men’s group. The pastor said said, “Nope.” The member then asked what he was going to do about it. The pastor turned the question back on him asking him to consider making it happen. He did. And now, once a month our men gather on a Saturday morning, listen to interesting speakers, and sometimes work on a project around the church or at other local charities needing help. Contact Dale MacHaffie for more information.
Women’s Ministry Group
The Women’s Ministry Group encompasses all three elements of TPC participation: They think, they serve, and they laugh. They gather monthly (except during the summer) for an enjoyable Saturday morning potluck brunch followed by an informational program. Each month they also collect supplies for HopeSpring welcome baskets and for the school backpack program.
Family Camp
Presbyterians sometimes refer to themselves as a “connectional” body. That means that while every Presbyterian church is unique and self governing, we exist in relationship with our brothers and sisters all over Oregon in what is called the Presbytery of the Cascades. One of the cool things about this is we can do things together it would be cost prohibitive or just not as fun to do on our own. A great example of this is family camp. Every August churches head to Honeyman State Park down on the dunes near Florence, Oregon for fun, fellowship, and great programs for everyone from kids to seniors. TPC has been heading to Family Camp for years, and there is always room for more.