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The Pastor Nominating Committee is excited to introduce
The Reverend Lisa Marie Robechek, our candidate to become pastor of TPC!

Greetings members and friends of Tualatin Presbyterian Church!

God’s Spirit moves in mysterious ways, and I am in awe of the ease and clarity in this call process. A mentor once advised me when interviewing with a church to ask the simple question: “Can I love these people?,” as a means of discerning right fit. In reflecting on my relationship with the members of your PNC, my answer is already, “Yes, I do!” I trust this will be magnified as I meet all of you.

I have just had the joy of witnessing my only son launch into the greater world (he is a freshman at a small college in Kansas), and now I am following him in his footsteps. To Oregon (I mean I must let the young man go, as bittersweet as this is)! My greatest joy and deepest honor as a pastor is getting to know the people God has given me to serve. I can’t wait to hear your stories and weave our journeys of faith together.

We are in most interesting times; just as God’s people have always been. Our Christian calling is to learn and grow together, to nurture and strengthen each other, so that we can be a place of respite from the rather harsh larger world. It is my desire and aim to help create a safe launching pad from which we can go out and share the love of God to people near and far, all of whom need to know God’s rich mercy and justice, Jesus’ sweet companionship, and the Holy Spirit’s deep care.

I look forward to learning how each of you, and all of us together, wish to live out the greatest commandment: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind … and love your neighbor as yourself.’ May the next phase of the Tualatin Presbyterian Church journey be joy-filled, faith-filled, and full of deep peace and exquisite belonging!

Peace and Grace,

Pastor Lisa Robechek

•Interim Pastor (yoked church ministry), Petaluma and Tomales, CA, 2024
Two Rock Valley Presbyterian and Tomales Presbyterian Church
•Event Sales Manager (weddings and retreats), San Anselmo, CA, 2022-2023 San Francisco Theological Seminary
•Hospital Chaplain, Greenbrae, CA, 2019-2021 Marin Health Medical Center
•Congregational Care Minister, (Associate Pastor) Louisville, KY, 2017-2018 Second Presbyterian Church
•Pastor, San Francisco, CA, 2011-2016 Lincoln Park Presbyterian Church

•BA from Miami University, Oxford, Ohio •Master of Divinity from San Francisco Theological Seminary

A letter from the PNC

The PNC began our work with our first meeting on January 10th with the Session. This was a time of excitement and trepidation as we set forth the terms of call and clarified the needs of TPC for our next pastor. After that kick-off meeting, we immediately began our work to define the needs of TPC by studying the church survey and creating the TPC Mission Discernment Profile which would serve as the basis for the qualifications of the next pastor for our church. Then came the work of looking at all of the Personal Discernment Profiles (PDPs) from many different pastors across the nation looking for a new call. Your PNC worked tirelessly to sort through all of the various PDPs from people who were matched to TPC or who reached out to us, interested in our position. In all there were 72 candidates reviewed. After that work, it became abundantly clear that one person rose above all the others as a match for our congregation. The Holy Spirit seemed to wisely and deliberately reveal to us that Reverend Lisa Robechek was the person that fit our congregation. Once we brought Lisa out to meet with us and preach in a neutral pulpit, it was clear Reverend Lisa was the right pastor for TPC!

We invited Reverend Lisa to come to Oregon to meet with us and preach at a neutral pulpit. After that weekend with Lisa, the PNC prayerfully considered the important needs of our church and asked the Lord to faithfully guide our discernment. After asking for God’s guidance, and carefully considering the needs of our beautiful church, the PNC unanimously voted to ask the Reverend Lisa Marie Robechek to come to TPC and have the congregation vote for Lisa to be our next pastor! Your PNC is very confident that you will agree with us – that Reverend Lisa Marie Robechek should be the next pastor for Tualatin Presbyterian Church. We pray that God will continue to bless our needs in the coming months as we transition to our next phase in worship with each other.

Chip Kyle Gordy Winterrowd Jim Walchenbach
Susan Cameron Dr. Elizabeth Reding Alan Grobey Judy Nix Rev. Dr. Alan Kelchner

From your PNC members

“Reverend Lisa Robechek is the right pastor for Tualatin Presbyterian Church. She is a skilled preacher with a special
ability to take the Word of God and make it relevant in today’s world and in our lives as individuals, challenging us to
grow more and more in the likeness of Christ. She is passionate about pastoral care and forming meaningful relationships
with others. Even after spending just a few minutes with her, I believe you will find the experience to be like connecting
with a dear friend whom you have known for a long time – it just feels right. I know Reverend Lisa can lead Tualatin
Presbyterian Church into the church’s next phase with love, compassion and wisdom.” Dr. Elizabeth Reding

“Reverend Lisa brings a unique set of skills and abilities. First and foremost, she is compassionate and her heart is focused
on getting to know people, meeting them where they are in their journey and providing care and support. Lisa also has
a wonderful sense of humor. She is able to laugh at herself as well as laugh with others as we face the quirks and foibles
of life. She is clearly intelligent and a genuine person. Only someone secure in their own skin would challenge a PNC to
consider looking at Jesus in a different way. She makes us think – which is always a good thing!” Chip Kyle

“First, I want to thank our wonderful congregation for nominating me to the PNC. It has been a great experience full of
personal growth, learning, prayerfully searching, and working with a mindful committee. We will be introducing you
to Reverend Lisa Robechek! She is filled with so much faith, grace, soul, love and humor. There was one word we used
repeatedly in our search, relatable. Lisa was instantly relatable and I feel she will be for all of you as well. She will warm
your heart, lead you, teach you and care for you. I have to share the couple of hours Lisa and I got to spend together. I
toured her around Tualatin and we got out to walk a couple of times. Two people in two different instances reached out to
her. I was in awe. She draws people in naturally. Peace.” Susan Cameron

“What I need most from a pastor is authenticity, honesty, and somebody I can trust. I want a spiritual leader who is on
her own faith journey, someone who’s still learning and growing, and who is both a teacher and a learner. Reverend Lisa
Robechek is all of that. She’s funny, smart, caring, and wise. I also want a pastor who can lead this precious, wonderful,
church community: someone who can help us move into the future with hope and courage. I believe Lisa is exactly the
right pastor for TPC right now.” Rev. Dr. Alan Kelchner

“Reverend Lisa stands out as an excellent choice. She has the intellect, background, and knowledge to do an excellent job
for Tualatin Presbyterian Church. You will find her personality both engaging and empathetic. She has a terrific attitude
and a very strong work ethic.” Gordy Winterrowd

“The PNC unanimously supports Rev. Lisa as a good fit for the Pastor position at Tualatin Presbyterian Church. You will
find that Lisa has a warm, transparent style, and laughs easily. She indicates her preaching style is to help us understand
the Biblical side of the lectionary as well as how it applies to present day. Reverend Lisa is passionate about developing
relationships with members and loves pastoral care. She believes God has called her to TPC, as do we.” Judy Nix

“I believe Reverend Lisa is truly being “called” to be the pastor at TPC. I appreciate how she expresses her faith in
connecting with people and her insightful preaching. I know she will lead and challenge us to share God’s love both within
our congregation and beyond.” Jim Walchenbach

“The PNC was focused and working hard to find a pastor that fit with TPC. As we went through the arduous process
of reviewing candidates, it became clear it wasn’t going to be easy! But in contrast to many of the awkward interviews
we had, meeting Reverend Lisa was a comfortable relief. She was genuine in her interest of TPC and made immediate
connections to all of us. She already feels like she is a part of our beautiful church! And I believe her leadership skills and
ability to lead us spiritually will take us to new places that God is calling us to go. I am very excited for Reverend Lisa to
come to TPC! ” Alan Grobey